Friday, February 11, 2011

CNY Hamper Reflection

We are actually doing a good deed by giving this Hamper to the elderly.Most elderly are very lonely so when they see us giving them such a Hamper which we put in so much effort in they would be touched by our efforts in preparing it and not the monetary value of the items included in the Hamper.They will feel cared for during this CNY and remember that they are not alone during this holiday of gathering.I would really want to have a home visit to their homes and show them that our care for them doesn't just end with a Hamper.I would like to care for them through actions and not just a Hamper.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Positive And Negative Numbers XD


(+) x (+) =(+)
(-) x (-) =(+)
(+) x (-) = (-)
(-) x (+) = (-)

(+) ÷ (+) =(+)
(-) ÷ (-) = (-)
(+) ÷ (-) = (-)
(-) ÷ (+) = (-)